rip cohost :(

author: slimelia   date:

so cohost is dying, huh! maybe i should actually use this blog LMAO
mind that i do, in fact, still post semi-regularly to my gemlog at this address. but as a result this lil weblog has been neglected. woopsie...

such a shame about cohost though. there were flaws but i love what they were trying to achieve. i hate that they - we - were unable to create a successful and sustainable social media site. when it comes to managing running costs, decentralisation really is the best bet huh? i still can't get on board with mastodon though, idk why. the fractured nature of the fediverse isn't something i enjoy i think? idk.

ANYWAY yes maybe i will post more here. maybe i will mirror some gemlog posts here - i definitely really genuinely enjoy having my gemini capsule being it's own thing that doesn't surface on the normal web. having a protocol and separate space feels pointless when it all gets mirrored to the WWW anyway. BUT!!!!! it would be nice to sometimes mirror them so you get a glimpse into what's going on over on the other side :3

didn't have much to say rn i just wanted to finally update this LOL. see yas x